Friday, October 18, 2013

Statue Disturbance

I found statues in Vienna to be a bit disturbing. Look at all the misery and bad hair in the above.
Here, a child is grabbing the lip, which is probably really slippery, of the fish he's riding, so as to cut it with a small knife. Creepy.
A store window displays what happens when teddy bears become evil.
Welcome home, angry man.
The above, near our hotel, depicts angels on some kind of volcanic cloud-like structure. Who knew heaven was so fluid and precarious.
Also beside our hotel was a clock that was supposed to do something exciting at noon. Here we wait in anticipation with my longer-than-usual picture taking arm. (Note you can see Barry's bike glove tan).
To our dismay and confusion, some Kaiser figures moved by. No special effects at all.
We preferred the grocery store, actually. While sauerkraut, above, is delicious, its juice, below, is not, even for cabbage lovers. Maybe we weren't supposed to drink it.
But then strange sculpted shapes showed up here too!