Monday, January 6, 2020

Mushrooms, Embedded Buddhas, and Conical Food Stands

Barbara and Gilles visited, and it rained so much that mushrooms showed up everywhere!
We got educated at the fabulous multimedia sensory Singapore Bicentennial experience, where Barbara got a crush on Sir Stanford Raffles (you can call him Bingley, if you're close).
We learnt about traditional agriculture too!
We also visited the model of Singapore. Here's our condo, including pools to scale.
Barbara showed appropriate reverence for the Big Buddha and his tiger guard.
Even as we go to go into his butt, where there is a secret reclining Buddha that you're not allowed to photograph.

I hung out with the "Shoplifting is a Crime" guy and his extra-smooth skin.
And we checked out some Engrish shirts.
Then it was time to eat. 

Here, Gilles shows the correct way to food selfie.
There was a touch of fire, into which Barry and Barbara leaned.
And we finished it off with some conical food stands.