Saturday, November 24, 2018

Good Chance Popiah

Pete came to visit for Diwali! Above, the Krishnas are watching you. Below, we demonstrate my continued selfie prowess.
We went to the Diwali market, where you can get something not recommended for carry-on. Or if you value your children's eyes. These are mini party grenades full of confetti and danger.
Before that, we had Halloween. Barry dressed up as, well, R2D2 meets a Chinese lightstore?
There was also a banana-related event.
See I'm being all literary and going back in time, like. To when Thanksgiving was in early October.
This year's Thanksgiving slogan: "Eat the pie".
But it's ok, becaue Po Chai pills relieve symptoms of diarrhea, overeating and vomiting. In my body, those symptoms vary significantly, so those gotta be some good pills.
There's a good chance you can find  popiah in our neighbourhood too.
Nearby the Gar Lok eating house.
Where? While many of the stereotypes about Singapore are untrue (no, gum is not illegal. No, jaywalking is the same as anywhere else), it's true that it's rude to point with your index finger.
It turns out I had been misinterpreting the FML acronym!
Near the FML cafe, there is an uni restaurant, for those looking for more obscure delicious eats.