Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Golden and Glowy!

We went to Hawaii on a fancy award trip from my work, involving florals and glowy neons!
When they announced the dress-code, I immediately prepared on chinasellinglostastuff.com.
There was glowy instaselfie makeup.
Barry wanted colorful like mine, but they said he had to have manly. So here he is, failing to hone his Mike Tyson look. "Look tough, Barry".
These are the glowy dancers called i luminate. You can buy their suits on lostachina.com too, but not cheap.
We went on a nature and beach hike. Not shown is the giant wave that drenched us when we were turtle-spotting.
Here is Barry appreciating the natures.
See if you can tell the professional photographer pictures above from mine.
And to close, a public service warning. In the US, even things like meat and butter have "ingredients" nowadays, which is alarming.