Saturday, June 15, 2024

Roman, Vaticish and Pompeiian things

Ok, we went to Rome, and the ruins were amazing. But also, did you know there are ruins where they house stray cats, including the Roman Moose?
Of course, there was a lot of art everywhere, and I'm not going to do it justice. But have you seen this guy? He has issues.
And then there's the popular, crowded, Vatican. Barry and I were more troubled by the hoarding of all that art and wealth than anything else.
I thought I would get to see many colours of nuns. But I only saw one non-standard colour, the blue nun, like the German wine.
The best thing at the Vatican is the Swiss Guard. But at first we only saw the terribly disappointing blue guards!
Luckily, Barry found the fancy version around a hidden corner. They are the same colours as a Filipino dessert called Sapin-Sapin; I learnt lots.
The best thing in Rome was the food!
We did not buy this 5L bottle of wine, but Barry took a picture of me buying cheese in Italian in the shop below, which means the man talked at me at length and I responded in Spanish.
I ate this many artichokes.
And here are the best things we ate:
Rigatoni con la Pajata above, Cacio e Pepe below (which Barry had for 4 meals in a row).
Carbonara above, and below, the best pizza, which had breadcrumbs instead of cheese.
Now, let's talk about how amazing Pompeii is.
I mean, I love a good petrification and anything to do with volcanic ash.
But I didn't realize how much is left to be restored still, look at all of these buried things.
And how fancy the cool the existing restorations are. You can spend all day getting lost, finding new ones, and avoiding the crawling tour groups.
They had some unusual decorative preferences. This cart was decorated with a thumb.
They were into the male anatomy.
Sometimes immaturely so? Can I say that about 2000-year old dead people?
My favourite fish mosaic was not available for purchase, though I thought it would look great in our bathroom.