Friday, February 8, 2019

Desert Moonwalk

Dubai has some fancy buildings.
This one is very tall. I told Barry he wouldn't be able to get it all in one photo, and here is the result:
We went up it, both in real life and virtually, as shown. VR gives barry lotsa chins.
But what's more interesting is the desert.
What, did you say desert?
We learnt 2 things. First, camels are farmed for their milk, meat, and racing abilities, largely by Afghani labourers.
Second, we're bad at desert photography.
Above, I fail to be artsy with sand. Below, Barry does something to look like camel rock, but it looks more like he needs a loo.
I think it looks a bit like his Moonwalk, coincidentally.
Below, a Bedouin village, where they "get to live for free from the government", which I put in quotations as I'm concerned that's only 1 side of the story.
As you can see, we're slightly more photogenic if we give the camera to others.