Barry's parents visited, so we showed them the nightlife of Singapore. First step, accessing a speakeasy
Second step, delectable Sichuan fusion food.Then it's time to go out searching for life. We looked like this.The katydid showed her googly-eye surprise.We found various snakes, but they hid their faces to be shy. Here, shore pit viper.And here, oriental whipsnake.
Mycena chlorophos, another species of bioluminescent mushroom, which, of course, doesn't photograph easily.
But the star of the show is the colugo, photographed by Barry's mom's fancy camera.This one had a surprise for us, a baby!
Speaking of un-mammalian, did you know that the mother colugo wraps her patagium and tail around the baby to form a comfy protective baby quasipouch? You can use this in your next trivia night.