Monday, August 14, 2023

Grizzly Times

Well hello there, just a grizzly beear eating tasty high-protein sedge grass.
As you can see, we clearly need to fatten up before the winter hibernation.
Looking pretty cute with the claws and the fuzziness.
Also digging for shellfish on the beach.
Above is the best picture of the baby cub. If you think about it, you don't want to get too close to grizzlies, so this is good enough.
A good way to see these grizzlies is from a boat in the Khutzeymateen Park, which is a bear sanctuary. From a boat, you don't bother the bears, and incidentally they don't bother you.
I'm not good with boats, but I managed. Here is our boat selfie.
Anyway, there were scarier animals in the forest too. I learnt that British Columbia has big slugs!
And we also saw more traditional BC animals.
Finally, in the Yukon I learnt what a fish ladder was. Here is a climbing fish. They still have to work hard, even on the escalatorish system. It's like fish engineering.