Saturday, May 27, 2023

Wee Desert Creatures

The reason we went to the desert was to see this gecko, isn't she cute and rainbowy? Our home geckos wish they had her style.
We had to get a guided tour to find the right creatures and get better pictures.
It's a good thing that we did, since they're really hard to find - can you see the snake next to this tiny twig? It could see us!
The well-camouflaged desert sidewinder/adder. Venomous and tiny, but will not "kill you immediately run away" like Barry says.
The toktokkies, or fog-basking beetles, stick their (kinda large) butts into the air to collect dew to drink. This quenches their thirst, but also makes them a delicious snack for others.
The shovel-snouted lizard lucked out evolutionarily, since it can run really fast, shake its feet when the sand gets hot, and dig great tunnels.
The Namib desert snake is just a humdrum variety with no cool venom at all.
Not all of the desert creatures are pretty, although these guinea fowl think the blue brings out their eyes.
Jackals are kinda cute, but well camouflaged.
Likewise, this long twig insect is well camouflaged on this outdoor light.