Saturday, May 20, 2023

Meringue, Fairy Circles, and Sun-avoidance Technology

We went to the desert in Namibia.
We learnt that it can be meringue coloured or rusty, depending on the iron sandy bits.
It can also have fairy circles, which are my new favourite unexplained phenomenon! The theories explaining their existence include termites, fungi, elaborate grass cooperation and toxins.
These dunes are some of the highest in the world, at 350m.
We climbed one of these dunes, and here is our selfie.
The guide did a better job.
The cup of sand in each shoe affected our photography, but we kept trying.
Between the dunes, there is crackedy former mud, called a white clay pan.
The guide told us when it last rained here, sometime in the 80s.
There are trees that dried up when the dunes blocked the river over 600 years ago.
Since it's too dry, they don't decompose. Trees 4-eva!
Here is Barry for scale.
And below on the right, is the latest in sun-avoidance technology, the full face covering! That way you can see less, feel uncomfortable, and have less fun.