Saturday, August 20, 2022

Beachliness Review 5: Bintan, Indonesia (Fauxnesia)

I'm surprised and conflicted by the results of the infallible LiS Beachliness Review 5 of Bintan, Indonesia: a ferry-ride away from Singapore, and normally good for weekend getaways or bike crashes.
I call Bintan Fauxnesia. I have not been a huge fan, given the lack of exoticness, and with the extensive visitors.
However, since our kitchen has burst into a puff of toxic renovation dust and noise, it seemed like a good place to work for the week. 
So, let's measure the Beachliness! First, sandiness. Really quite excellent. Now that I notice such things, I was surprised.
Second is boatiness. Boatiness in Bintan is low, although the small fisher boats are picturesque. Half points.
Third: prettiness. There are nicer and less nice spots, but here it was really quite pretty, so I give full points, again to my surprise.
We even saw one of those big blood moon things for the first time, although we didn't have the neck-breaking machinery to capture it, so here's a boring moon.
Fourth is desertedness. During the week and with many countries not fully travelling still, we had amazing desertedness. I will give full points, noting that in regular times, this would not apply.
Speaking of which, this whole resort was deserted. And creepy.
Fifth: wildlife. I knew there would be half points for the intertidal creatures, but we had surprises. First, froggy friend: a pink tree frog couple, who I failed to species-dentify, hopped around our balcony, impressing me with their acrobatics and cute toes.
Man, I love frogs!
Then, we saw a civet cat at twilight! So, full points!
6 is availability of activities. Bintan's activities are ok, but fairly standard touristy. and normally crowded, so I think half points are due.
Since we were working, the only activity I did was taking pictures of the sunrise.
Here's what the other end of that looked like.
Finally, availability of cocktails. While you can get them, the quality is definitely not as good as the food. So half points, and a picture of some of the delicious sambals that I ate all week.
In the end, this score is much higher than I expected, which demonstrates the LiS Beachliness system's ability to withstand bias.
Bintan Indonesia Beachliness Review
Sandiness: 1
Boatiness: 0.5
Prettiness: 1
Desertedness: 1 (weekday)
Wildlife: 1 (partly luck)
Availability of activities: 0.5
Availability of cocktails: 0.5
Total: 5.5/7