Sunday, April 3, 2022

Creepy Fort, Cucumbers and Figs

When you think of Singapore, you probably don't think dilapidated buildings with graffiti.
So let me help to wreck up your pre-conceived notions.
(Although I'm starting to worry that by posting so often about nature and ruins, I'm being misleading.)
This is Fort Serapong, one of 9 forts that the British used to unsuccessfully protect Singapore from Japanese occupation in WW2; built in the late 1800s.
It is largely off limits. This is due to the risk of concrete walls crushing you to death, which is unlucky.
Also, the stairs are hard to maneuver, and you can get lost in the tunnels (blocked, so not shown).
However, there's still a washroom. Or maybe a kitchen.
The bolts that held the big warring guns in place are the longest lasting, to break your feet for decades.
Strangling fig: ambitious. Not intimidated by swallowing a whole building.
The inside view is fairly creepy.
Speaking of swallowing and creepy, here's a fun fact. This is the creeping cucumber, which is edible when green, but a strong laxative once black (background).