Friday, April 15, 2022

Cheese, Chewballs, and Fire Pockets

Great news! Tiga, now Tigger, was adopted by a lovely family, and is surrounded with happiness!He has a brother, Jasper, who keeps him inline, and plays with him. 
He loves his humans, has doubled in weight, and his eyes have turned to deep amber.

 So, back to regular life. Perhaps day drinking. I prefer to just call it drinking, so as to not be all judgy.

But please don't take yourself! 

Feeling underwhelmed? Add more stuff to your sugar water! Chili, Crab, milk green tea, foam, which is sometimes cheese-flavoured. Our local hawker even does this on fruit juice, like a frothy cheesecake puff on top of your watermelon juice. 
Here at home, we made the extra healthy dill gin sours instead. 
There's a lot going on in the neighbourhood. They're building a tunnel, so this means free raincoats for all. I'm not sure if you've ever tried wearing a raincoat in the tropics. In our experience it's even wetter, but on the inside.There were reflective disks which are quite sensitive, I guess. Also, I haven't mastered the art of shadow photography while trying to catch to up Barry. 
Next door to us is an Indian street snacks brunch place. Their pani puri has something akin to mango Tang in it though. 
Speaking of mangoes, we found a fruit which the plantdentification apps couldn't plantdentify. Anyone?
Then we visited an urban farm. Their gig is they explain agriculture to you for 2 hours, and then you get free lettuce. Having grown up in rural Canada, I didn't learn much, so felt like it was a lot of investment for lettuce. 
For other passtime ideas, I suggest...
Moxibustion! Is this a thing in the west yet? It's the burning of mugwort leaves near your skin. This is the DIY version where you put these mini fires in polyester pouches strapped to your body. What could go wrong? So basically like a heating pad, but with smoke and risks. I just read that you can add salt and garlic. (Side effects include a toxic reaction and skin cancer.)
Bad news. While you've been wearing fire pockets, your skin your double chin has been sagging big-time!Time to get a chewball, just like a dog!