This is lampost number one. Like a greying rockstar with a drug problem, it knows its days are numbered. Today cyclists, Barry included, put stickers there to commemorate their arrival at the western tip of Singapore. (I only have my "I'm fully vaccinated" sticker, which I'm not willing to give up.)

But it's all now a fallacy, because behold, the upcoming Tuas Megaport. Not just one , but Tuas, emerging from the sea! (Singapore is moving the port from prime central real estate to the edges, and making it more mega).

Barry tells me that these crane lifterators are extra big and lotsa cool, but my pictures not so much.

So instead, we looked for suspicious activities! Just recently, vagabond fugitives swam onshore!

This second sign also gave us helpful guidance. This is not a popular locale.

Suspicious bamboo hidey-hole or boobie trap? We didn't test it.

I always find these twisterator vines a bit suspicious.

Boat treasure? Illicit sculpture?

There were also deterrents for would-be fugitives. The local jungle has dangers.

Fungus? Biological agent? You be the judge.

Then, minding our own frontierial business, we found a very suspicious gate!

Holy smokes, it's a tunnel to another country**! **Fake news, this is an old WW2 tunnel from a different location! Just aiming at entertainment, chesterfield reader(s).