It was a grey day when we went to see Singapore's "Last Fishing Village". This is according to googlewrongs, since it's actually the just illegal fishing jetties. In the background, you can see the a refinery in Malaysia, a beautiful far away other country.
So lovely. Anyway, then we went to see a sock.
Oh my gosh, a plane took off! Don't worry, it didn't go anywhere, it was a local little leisure/teachy plane.
But I got this WW2-ish picture!
Anyway, did you say airport? Barry and I went to check it out.
This is the former Seletar executive jet airport, which has been replaced by a newer terminal.
That's why we couldn't travel via the luggage cart. Mind your head, Barry.
There were some planes, and I tried to see if they were interesting. For example, this one is owned by a guy called Aviv. However, he just runs the jet company.
This one, with the single blowhole, comes from Utah.
I thought that could be interesting until I found out that most of the planes were from Salt Lake City. This means one of three likely possibilities: 1) I have no idea how to look up plane butt numbers, 2) there are a lot of private jet companies based in Utah, or 3) there are some wealthy mormons here.
The saddest planes were the lost and lonely Aussie Virgin and Qantas ones, who can't go home to see their families because of the pandemic.
Seletar is so far away (17km!) that they have different vegetation. This is a Sterculia, native to Singapore, which has beautiful pods yielding a fruit once used as a thickener and a laxative, so that's handy.Fun fact: it is named after the god of manure, given its odour. We did not detect the odour, and we guessed that this manure god preferred to be called the god of proctology, or Proctogod.
Also unusual and pentamorous, this flower shall be declared Seletar's tabernaemontana, as it is unlike the other tabernaes we see, or that I can biologicalookup.
Feeling like flying your aeromodels (that's what they had before drones) or learning to fly a cessna? Well you can join the Singapore Youth Flying club, as long as you're Singaporean and 16 years old. Hmm.
On the other end of the scale, here is Wah Son Engineering. You may think their building is a ruin.
But no, they just eschew paint in favour of black drainy sludgeholes. Proctogod approves.
And yet the local beauty distracts us. The bright blue butterfly pea flower requests that we admire its beauty and don't get distracted by how delicious it tastes in cocktails
We ended our walk with some swamp zen. There are apparently owls, but staring into trees still battles with my patience.