Friday, September 18, 2020

Kitten Therapy

Warning: the pictures you are about to see contain only kittens. If you do not like kittens, you should a) reevaluate your life priorities and b) stop reading. Please also note that kittens in Singapore and SE Asia often have no, or kinked tails. No kittens are harmed in this genetic situation, and they're the same as tailed kittens, so don't freak out. 
It's very hard to take pictures of kittens while they're awake, because it usually looks like this:
This one was fighting the cardboard until sleep overcame her (see bitemarks).
The kitten selfie is particularly hard.
One reason is my smile was ridiculously huge.
However, I was able to photograph the moment when Barry realized that he loves kittens and that they love him too!
2 kittens can easily be sustained on your lap.
With 3, you need more spooning.
I enjoyed all of the sleeping positions too.
Kitten therapy has been our happiest event of 2020, thanks to our friends Keri and Jeroen, who did the hard job of fostering these babies before they found happy homes!
If anyone needs more of this kitten therapy, let me know, because there are videos too!