Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Cemeteries and Chickens in Lim Chu Kang

Sometimes the rain makes the colours look great in pictures! Anyway, we found the best zombie gun:
And my tomatoes are almost finished. I didn't quite have enough for preserving, since this is how large they grew.
It was time for us to go on an adventure in the countryside, so we went to Lim Chu Kang (not to be confused with Choa Chu Kang or Yio Chu Kang, Chu Kang originally meaning Clan Village).
Yes, despite being an island roughly 20km x 40km, there is countryside. With wildlife!
There are huge cemeteries, and I am a fan of cemeteries, especially when they're overgrown like this: 
Jacobe Low, born in China, died in Siam, lost his nose, sculpturally.
The graveyards were arranged by religion, and the Muslim cemetery has the prettiest colours.
The Chinese cemetery is in the process of being exhumed to expand the military training base, so now is the time to collect your relatives for cremation, which can be done in 9 simple steps
I learnt that exhumation occurs at night!
This grave has a large hole, so perhaps exhumation is unnecessary in this case?
We walked for 10km around these cemeteries. Since Singapore has convenience even in the countryside, there was a washroom, albeit with a decidedly outdated sign.
Then we walked some more, down this country road.
And found the chicken farm! Our 7-11 eggs come from these squished-up, airy barn-cages.