Saturday, February 25, 2023

Tiny people with pickles

Let's start with food. The best food we had in Japan was not sushi, but was this mochi kushikatsu, which I'll poorly translate to deep fried sticky rice cake dipped into yummy sauce.
The best noodles of 2023 are these curry udon noodles with a scoop of cream cheese. Amazing fusion goodness.
Kyoto was really into their strawberries. You got to buy one at a time, unless you bought them in a wee sandwich like below, where you get 3 halvsies. I'm more of a basket kinda person.
So instead, here I am at breakfast, eating a grilled fish, just to prove I'm ok with that. Would have preferred curry noodles though.
Kyoto has many fabulous pickles. However, I found out that if you bring them home, they go nucular (sic.) in your suitcase and risk pickling your clothes.
Instead, you can buy plastic or china food replicas.
I'm not sure what you buy any of these things for. Bit I felt like I wanted the musical ladies below, maybe as a Christmas decoration.
Along with the flag dudes and fishies. Not too expensive.
You could pay to get a fortune on pretty paper. We resisted all of these things.
As glorious as they were.