Sunday, March 21, 2021

A House Inside a Tree, in a Gas Park with Otters

We don't really have seasons here, but the otters have had babies, so it must be spring!
They are in constant frolic, so these are the best pictures you get in the evening, giving them their space.
Lobster shows that he can frolic while also ensuring social distancing.
We've met a few unusual creatures lately, like these happy eyebrow Buddha ear-puff folk.
And of course these people celebrating birthdays with home-painted masks, which are the latest fashion.

I recently learnt that the park near us is the history Gasworks area. This means that a big vat of piped gas was made from coal here. Pretty gas park, right?
There's a huge banyan tree there. Shown with Barry for perspective.
When you get closer to this tree, there's a bit more to see!
It's not easy to tell, here is an outline of a concrete house!
This is a house inside of a tree! Roots and creaky noises galore! We'd never noticed it before, despite walking by it regularly, ~1km from our house.