Friday, October 12, 2018

Really Old Egyptians

There is a bewildering amount of ancient Egyptian sites and paroahs. Some have mini-mes, which represent their children.
It turns out the discoveries are not nearly complete. Above, only the feet have been found, below, no feet.
Pretty fabulous for 2000-5000 years old!
All of the statues have their left left foward, and we heard conflicting theories as to why.
This prompted us to start developing our own theories. For example, the statue below is clearly the founder of modern Japanese horror movies!
Some signs encouraged this rebellious thinking.
The lower pile of dirt allegedly demosntrates that the workers used ramps, and not aliens, to build the structures. Hmm, seems like that would have washed away by now..
We learned that the ancient Egyptian bigwigs wore big wigs. We figured with all the inbreeding, they may have had bad hair, otherwise.
We also learned that the Egyptians revered dwarfism, including this guy, Seneb!

Nowadays, Egyptians like global fashions, as we saw in this model photo shoot.
It was located in the Luxor template, where the lonely remaining obelisk misses its twin in Paris.
This is the workers' housing, for the "they weren't slaves or aliens" commoners who built the big tombs. 
And here are some fabulous pillars at Karnak.
The problem with antiquities is their heads fall off. You can see parts on the ground.

Sphinxes struggle with millenia of aging as well.
For rams, a small deity helps to secure their big heads over time.
Here's Barry trying his hand at archeology without success.