What is this super-fan doing, you might ask?
Making saves! There are numerous extra-curricular activities such as these to do at the Olympics.
I have to say, though, we didn't know what they all were. The one above was called "Choice your Hanwoo".
I was scared of the giant sled dogs with antlers and goggles, so I stayed away.
At the women's hockey arena, they had lit lantern/sculptures depicting, well, aspects of Korean life? Except I don't think there are/have been Korean deer. Update! Wikipedia proves I'm wrong.
Of course, you need to spend some time hanging out at the train station. Here is the complex system for getting our train pass. Which no one asked to see, ever.
Luckily, you can cuddle the Olympic bear for warmth. Note, we felt the white tiger got a disproportionate amount of press and are reacting accordingly.
Speaking of colours, the local store is celebrating Valentine's and White day, in case you don't think Valentine's is enough.
We didn't find out where the yellow yesteryear went to entertain.
In the train station, there are snacks. Job's tears tea is only 35 cents CAD.
The fancy new train station had IOT, which is the Internet of Toilets. You can spend 3 minutes understanding the diagram to plan which toilets are free. (Note, you are on the bottom right, NOT where the woman arrowis). Or you could spend 30 seconds just looking for open stall doors. So technologicalacious!
The IOT toilets came with warnings about where to rush (flush) things. Which made me consider what other options might exist...
Now we're accustomed to fancy butt-warming toilets, but these included unusual settings, enabling the Toilets to accomplish many things, I suppose.