Friday, June 5, 2015

Bibles and Big Bikes

Italy is filled with beautiful things.
Many of these things are very religious. We understood this part of the frescoed duomo ceiling the best.
Indeed, we endured lesser tortures to climb to the top, through cramped spaces, albeit with greater safety and guard rails than in medieval times.
We were pleased to find out that the Duomo in Florence seems to have been partially sponsored by a troupe of jellyfish!
Barry and I tried to appreciate other art, much of which we just found to be a) referencing a biblical story both unknown and irrelevant to us, and/or b) seeming to be gratuitously bustacious. I mean, I'm not against nudity or feeding babies, but with a 3 piece toga, slippage such as that shown below seems unlikely.
Barry preferred this one, which he believes shows unicorns in medieval times.
The famous statue of David is known for the crowds he attracts.
I found more interest in the squishy thing in his hand, which I learnt was the was his sling.
Surprisingly smooshy, no? Anyway, there is so much religion in Italy that the crypts are full and some special people got permanent street coffins in prime parking spots.
Nearby, Barry and I learnt about local wines. My favourite part was learning how bioorganic complexity of the humus interacts with minerals to affect the vines and wine quality. Barry's favourite part was petting the dog.
I told Barry that I would ride a bike with him only if I didn't have to steer.
I mainly let him do the pedalling, too.
Driving through crowds like this, clearly, was terrifying.