The milk pots are out, guess what this means?Our friend Willy came from Bangalore to find out! This is what we look like before dawn's crack.There is also music, several bands competing to fill your ears in one temple.And there are beautiful arts and crafts.This picture illustrates what happens if you take a panorama shot in a crowd. An elder's head gets flattened, which seems unlucky. Note my surprise. If you can't find your milk, it may be behind you. Careful, lest the lime cause it to curdle.And now it's time for this year's piercing shots. You can't look away!Piercing goes best with feathers! After you're pierced and ready to go, you walk in a 4km parade.Not ready for piercing? You can also show your devotion by carrying milk.Or stick to facial piercings and carry some heavy stuff.